Shut Up!
Your Words Are KILLING ME

Patricia L.
Hello, my name is Patricia L. Cleare. I wrote this story because I was also going through similar problems with my family. I was living in great pain, distress, and abuse growing up. I was abused and mistreated by my family and so-called friends for a long time. It started in my childhood; I understand that children need discipline, but to be mistreated is wrong, no matter how old you are.
How did I obtain the title of this book? One morning in the summer of 2010. I awoke from my sleep, screaming out this title: Shut up! Your Words Are Killing Me!. Before I knew it, I was writing a story. I did not realize it would become a book.
I was going through hard times with my children and financial difficulties. I lost my job and became homeless, living in shelters, motels, and with friends. I also developed severe pains in my stomach with diverticulosis, nerve pains in my back and down my legs, and rotator cuff tears in both my shoulders from working, car accidents, and slip and fall, and over the years, it has progressed. Now, not being able to work, I have become depressed, and I just want to write about the pain.
There were so many things that happened between 2010 and the present, and with all these things I have been through, writing has helped me create, find peace, forgive, and experience happiness. Although I found myself alone without my children and grandchildren, without a husband, and I don’t have many friends, I am happy. Because I believe that when you love yourself, you will love others, and all is well. I hope you enjoy this story.